Tiglin in numbers (past 12 months)

198Total people who were assessed for Tiglin residential in the past 12 months

102Total people who resided at Tiglin in the past 12 months

20Completed 8-11 months or more of treatment at Tiglin in the past 12 months

18Completed 4-7 months of treatment at Tiglin during the past 12 months

31Completed 1-3 months of treatment at Tiglin during the past 12 months

33Completed less than 1 month at Tiglin during the past 12 months


3,792 hours spent on all residents  

One to one intervention / counselling / key-working

1,200 group teaching hours

Education / Personal Development

989 teaching hours on all 13 clients    

Literacy classes, 13 clients accessed our literacy teacher

143 hours per resident 

Occupational therapy

148 hours per resident          

Fitness & Recreation